Writing this song was really difficult. From day one, I knew exactly what the point of the song was. “I won’t make it to see your future.” I wanted to write a song that adequately bring that across using a simple, over-arching sign of positivity. Soon after, it dawned on me while rewatching “the muppets. (2015)” on Disney Plus.

Rainbows! They’re such a positive piece of hope and overall bliss. That was the centre piece of the track. Before even finding an instrumental or vibe for the track, I knew that the main drawing line of the song was “My Kids Want to See a Rainbow”. It felt so peaceful and joyful, while having an oddly sombre undertone that I could use to my advantage simply by changing the “Want” to “Get to”. A simple shift in wording can change everything about the songs meaning.

After finding the instrumental, I then had to put together some ideas. A sinking feeling in my stomach? Maybe the idea of anticipation being too much to bare. Ultimately, the idea came to my head. This song should be about me, so I will write about my mindset during “To Me, Aged 30…”. I originally included more blunt lines about dying before my children can ever see their first rainbow, but eventually backtracked and instead phrased it expiring and “losing grip on sanity”. Ultimately, after about 6 months of working on the track, it was ready to release. It sits at a 66/100 on Album of the Year, and has a like to dislike ration on YouTube of 100% (7:0).

Review on “AOTY”

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