So, I have honestly wanted to share the whole development story of this album since it’s release over half a year ago, so this has been a long time coming. The honest truth is this album happened through share boredom. I started working on it in August of 2023, and finished it by February of 2024. It was a total 6 month process, and took little motivation to work on. Granted, there was some bumps in the road that changed the albums direction slightly, but if I was to go over every tracks makings-of, I’d be writing; “I sat and wrote this with a hot cuppa and a biccy” about 8 different bloody times.
The first of 12 to be written and released. My family was away in Türkiye, and I had the house to myself. I was feeling sentimental to the days up-north. Having mates on my street to run around with. It was nice to sit and think. But by comparison, by this time I was on break up 7, and it was taking a shit-ton of motivation to meet friends I would spend little to no time with. Work was kicking my arse and I couldn’t help but feel trapped. And that’s where this spawned from.
This song was a strange time. Prior to this in mid 2022, I wrote a song called “One Night Stand”. It was about a guy’s first reactions to waking up in a strange woman’s house after a night clubbing, still dazed, and kind of horny, but confused and scared. This acts as a pseudo-sequel to the aforementioned track. A couple that’s entire relationship lacks any form of love until they pull out whips and chains. A dominant manipulator, paired with a submissive polar opposite.
Dear Holly
This track was heavily based on random lyrics I had scrapped about 3 years prior called “Dear Honey”, that I managed to retool into this vitally important track. It was a Valentines Day present to my partner Holly. She means the world to me, and while I could have made a much better song, it’s the thought that counts, right?
A Night in Paris
This one is less about the song and more about the music video that accompanied it. This video was shot in 2 nights. Night 1 was about 20 of us in a small VRChat world collecting B-Roll footage of random things happening, and night 2 was about 11 of us enacting out the main scenes. The featured artist, “Bobby Labrecque”, acted out their own bits ina customized avatar from ReadyPlayer.Me.
This was the final song on the base album to be written, and for obvious reason. This track was such an unexpected release due to my fathers passing, and I felt it right to put my feelings into song. The song is, to this day, the only song I have ever gotten emotional performing live.
Remember Me When I Am Dead
This is a track taken from the deluxe portion of the record, about my fears of becoming obsolete. This song alone took 5 months to complete due to the presence of 6 background singers. (Bobby Labrecque, BeelzeBuddy, Titan.Snow, MiaPrincess, TerriblyTrouble, and Williams Art). As of writing this, it is my most listened to song on YouTube with over 550 total views!
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